Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I saw this quote online and it amazed because it is TRUE
We build walls to protect ourselves
From the actions and words of those who have the power
To hurt us beyond imagination.
These walls get thicker each time we get hurt and
Acquire an extra layer every time we have to get up
And pick up the pieces of our broken heart and shattered soul.
However, these walls are sometimes what keeps us from enjoying
The simple joys of life that sometimes we fail to recognize.
These walls sometimes protect us too well
Because we end up missing out on so much
Because we are afraid to step out of the boundaries of these sacred walls.
Ever since I read this quote, I have been viewing walls from a whole different perspective"
"The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keep out the joy"

Teddy Geiger wrote a song: "These Walls", you guys should listen to it.
Remember: Walls can't always keep us safe. Sooner, or later, we have to step outside because there's love outside of the walls we build.

♥ Gigi

Raise Your Voice!

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most?
Saying something and wishing you had not OR
Saying nothing and wishing you had?

Occasionally it would be one more than another
But more often, it is "saying nothing and wishing you had".

We often say that silence is golden,
However, keep everything deep inside
May cause us to suffocate, and suffer
Because we "think" we have to be all alone,
Coping with the adversities, and the pain
With no one to lean on.

However, Truth is, there is always
Someone that is there, for us.
And all we have to do is reach out,
And say what's on our minds.
Because one day, what you wanted to say,
Could have no meaning
Because you waited too long.
And one day, the person you wish could hear those words,
Could no longer be present, no longer available,
No longer there.

Therefore, readers, speak up,
Whether it is a matter of the heart
Or just something that has been weighing down on you.
Let it out, because, silence is NOT always golden.

Talk and Be Heard,
Yours Truly,

Monday, October 12, 2009

Make IT Happen

Many times in life, we sit and wait.
Wait for luck, wait for the impossible,
Wait for that person,
Wait for life to finally be easy on us,
Wait like our heart's desire will just walk up to us
And say, "I am FINALLY here!"

But we all know that is not going to to happen.
If you want something in life you have to go get it.
Whether it's something real, fake, strong or weak.
You ought it to yourself to try to reach that goal, that thing, that person,
You ought it to yourself to respond to your heart's desire.

Maybe its that one thing you can't live without or
Maybe it's that one thing you are afraid to reach for :/
Maybe it's something you lost and found,
Maybe it's something you put on hold
Maybe it's something that you dream about, something you hope to realize
Maybe it's someone who makes you smile AND drive you crazy
Maybe it's you, the you that You know you can be.
Maybe it's that life you want for yourself,
Maybe it's something you want but don't need.
Maybe it's just the one thing that has been missing in your life
Maybe it's something so strong that you feel it all the way to your bones....

Whatever that something is, You ought to go find it
And make it yours.
Because once you do, You will be happier that you have been.
Because what you were looking for is now YOURS.

All because, you took that step to make your life go forward.
Instead of sitting down and waiting for a miracle that may not happen.
After all, God only helps those who help themselves....

So do yourself a favor,

♥ Gigi

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Time to Do YOU!

Ever found yourself staring at the mirror and not recognizing the person looking back.
Not because you have become someone to be ashamed of,
But rather because you have faulted at NOT taking care of the person in the mirror.

Sometimes in life, we take care of EVERYONE ELSE,
And neglect the person that should come first once in awhile: YOU

It's essential for us as human to progress that we take of ourselves,

Make sure that not only the physical is looking good,

But that also the spiritual, emotional is fine.

We need to remember that if we are not happy we cannot make anyone else happy.

If we do not love ourselves, we cannot love others.
But most importantly if we do not take care of ourselves,
We are NOT capable of taking care of others.

Love should start internally,
Care should be felt everyday,
And as humans, we need to start realizing that the man or woman in the mirror,

Needs some TLC also.

Maybe just maybe, we should provide it to that person

Before spreading the love to the whole wide word.

It's time for some of us to stop neglecting ourselves,

So that we can look at that mirror and

Be proud to ONE in a MILLION!

It's All About the Silence

Sometimes in life, we become so preoccupied by what is going on in our lives
That we forget to take a break and relax a little.
Lately, I have been so busy with
The different foldings of my life
That I totally forgot about what it's like
To sit back and enjoy the sun;
Or better yet sit back and enjoy the SILENCE.
Having a busy schedule is fulfilling,
You feel like you are doing something useful,
When you are doing something productive,
You become an integral part of society.
You are not just taking up oxygen
And wasting it away.

However, it is good to sometimes
Contemplate what we have accomplished.
"You have to know where you came from to know where you are going"
So sit back relax, observe and appreciate the journey :)

Stay positive,