Monday, December 21, 2009

Right Side UP

"Sometimes life flips you upside down so you can see right side up"

This is my quote for today
Hard times occur so that we can enjoy the good times to come.
So if you are going to some hard times,
Just think of it as the rain before the sunshine.

Stay Blessed,

Gold Medal

"You will never make it
You are not worth it
You have no purpose in life
You are not smart enough to make it in life
You are only book smart
You do not have what it takes
You will never matter
You will never be loved like that
You will not be IT
You will smash and burn
You cannot achieve this
You will never make it"

If you have heard those words
At some point in your life but
You're still alive and trying hard to make it,
Give yourself a pat on the shoulder and keep on trying.

Sometimes, people never realize that words mean a lot.
Words are words.
They can hurt or lift depending on how they are said.
They say actions speak louder than words but sometimes
Words take over and paint a picture that no action can erase.

So if you have been hurt at some point in life due to words
Just dust off your shoulder and keep on moving.

Just because someone doesn't believe that you will make it
or don't believe that you can make it,
Doesn't mean that they are right.
You are the only person that gets to make your own destiny (aside from God),
And if you want to make it, one day you will.

At the end of every race, there is a finish line
And best believe that you will reach that finish line
And acquire that gold medal of yours.

Stay Optimistic,
♥ Gigi


Those who are supposed to be there let you down
Those who are supposed to believe in you, DON'T
Those for who you care deeply, do not care as much
Those for who you will ride or die for would rather take a different cab
You just have to realize that people are just people
They will hurt you,
They will make you feel good,
But, at times,
They won't always be there.
And when they are not...all you can do is take it a step at a time
And walk with God, because only Him will Always be there.

Stay Blessed,

Memories of the Past

It's amazing how sometimes the past seems to catch up to us
We seem to forget that we are in the present.
We seem to feel at ease and forget that it is just a mirage

Sometimes the past catches up to us and makes us lose our breath
We feel like we need to come up for air
We feel like the emotion is tangible, the memories are realistic.

It's amazing how sometimes the past catches up to us
To remind what we had, make sense into what we have,
And bring a glimpse of hope into what we wish to have.

Sometimes the past catches up to us and when we lose our breath
All we have to do, is come up for air
And cherish the dear memories.

Stay Blessed,

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Sometimes in life, people don't understand that it is hard to let them in and harder to let them out once they got in. Once you trust someone, it's either it's here or it's gone forever.

I wrote this poem thinking about trust in many situations. Hope you guys enjoy it :D

One word, 6 letters and a whole lotta headaches

No trust, no relationships.

No trust, no friendships.

I can’t let down my guard if I don’t trust you.

My world won’t be an open book to you if I can’t confide in you

Forget about finding about my dirty little secrets if trust isn’t there

I can’t open up myself to you not knowing what I am stepping into

I can’t let you in without knowing what I am letting in

If you don’t have that little key called trust all doors are closed.

Last thing I want is to realize that I have let a thief into my vault.

Last thing I want is to have my heart stolen by some moron.

Trust, it’s either there or not

From the looks of it, you need to make a U-turn and not bother coming

Because, Trust is not there.

Love, Gigi

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dear December,

Thanks for bringing January a little bit closer
Please take away the heat in FL (Please do!!!)
Thanks for bring Christmas a little bit more closer,
Thanks for Firestone coupons!!!
Thanks for the NICE people (whatever few that are left)
Thanks for proving that Fall Semester is ALMOST over :)

Dear December, thanks for bringing 2009 closer to its END!!! (:)
♥ Gigi


It amazes me how people don't know the meaning of "BOUNDARIES"

1 word, 1 freaking word.
How hard can it be to understand the meaning of boundaries??


However people seem to think that it is OK to cross the line and
NOT expect anything to happen.

It even seems that some people will try to test your boundaries
Just to see how far they can go with you.

I think that it utterly disrespectful when random people
And even your own friends
Don't know when to stop and think before they say
Some ridiculous or just say some ignorant thing just because they think they can.

So my food for thought today is
"Please think before you speak and respect others' boundaries"
If you would not want somebody to TELL you something or DO something to you,
You probably should not do it to them.

"Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You - Matthew 7:12"

Jesus said it first!

Stay blessed and educated.

♥ Gigi

Books or Not?

I read on the website about the things you could do with books if you don't want to read them.
Go artistic with the books!
Here are some of the book-art I found online:

Hope you enjoyed it!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Cherished List

I met an amazing person this year.
Sometimes, you come across people that mark you and make you want to change for the better just because they believe in you and make you believe that you can actually
make it through the toughest situation.
Those people are called friends
And I can honestly say
I got one more friend to add my cherished list.

So as a general thought, if you have any real friends
that are ALWAYS there for you
even if they are far apart
Feel blessed.
Because in this world of wolves,
it's good to know that somewhere
someone has your interest at heart.

I am glad YOU are a part of my life.
*You guys know who you are*
♥ Gigi


October 27th, 2009 was my 2 year anniversary.
Although I was happy to the utmost level
I can honestly say that being relationship is one of the hardest
And yet most enjoyable things I have had to do in my life.
Being in a relationship takes putting away selfishness to care for 2 instead of 1.

For someone who was truly relationship phobic, I can honestly look back to these two years and feel like it was worth it, the ups and downs, the journey, the love, the heartaches, the tears, the laughs, the jokes, the small gestures that make us smile, all of it was worth it.
All because He is a great guy that never once gave up on us and because he has showed to me that love is actually attainable on this earth.

So, Baby, Thank you for these two years.
I love you.

Someone once said:

"Sometimes a little isolation just might be the best solution."

whatever it is that is troubling you....
or whoever is giving you gray hairs...

Distance yourself for awhile
and take some time to think. evaluate. && pray.
It will do your soul some good.
Stay Collected,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I saw this quote online and it amazed because it is TRUE
We build walls to protect ourselves
From the actions and words of those who have the power
To hurt us beyond imagination.
These walls get thicker each time we get hurt and
Acquire an extra layer every time we have to get up
And pick up the pieces of our broken heart and shattered soul.
However, these walls are sometimes what keeps us from enjoying
The simple joys of life that sometimes we fail to recognize.
These walls sometimes protect us too well
Because we end up missing out on so much
Because we are afraid to step out of the boundaries of these sacred walls.
Ever since I read this quote, I have been viewing walls from a whole different perspective"
"The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keep out the joy"

Teddy Geiger wrote a song: "These Walls", you guys should listen to it.
Remember: Walls can't always keep us safe. Sooner, or later, we have to step outside because there's love outside of the walls we build.

♥ Gigi

Raise Your Voice!

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most?
Saying something and wishing you had not OR
Saying nothing and wishing you had?

Occasionally it would be one more than another
But more often, it is "saying nothing and wishing you had".

We often say that silence is golden,
However, keep everything deep inside
May cause us to suffocate, and suffer
Because we "think" we have to be all alone,
Coping with the adversities, and the pain
With no one to lean on.

However, Truth is, there is always
Someone that is there, for us.
And all we have to do is reach out,
And say what's on our minds.
Because one day, what you wanted to say,
Could have no meaning
Because you waited too long.
And one day, the person you wish could hear those words,
Could no longer be present, no longer available,
No longer there.

Therefore, readers, speak up,
Whether it is a matter of the heart
Or just something that has been weighing down on you.
Let it out, because, silence is NOT always golden.

Talk and Be Heard,
Yours Truly,

Monday, October 12, 2009

Make IT Happen

Many times in life, we sit and wait.
Wait for luck, wait for the impossible,
Wait for that person,
Wait for life to finally be easy on us,
Wait like our heart's desire will just walk up to us
And say, "I am FINALLY here!"

But we all know that is not going to to happen.
If you want something in life you have to go get it.
Whether it's something real, fake, strong or weak.
You ought it to yourself to try to reach that goal, that thing, that person,
You ought it to yourself to respond to your heart's desire.

Maybe its that one thing you can't live without or
Maybe it's that one thing you are afraid to reach for :/
Maybe it's something you lost and found,
Maybe it's something you put on hold
Maybe it's something that you dream about, something you hope to realize
Maybe it's someone who makes you smile AND drive you crazy
Maybe it's you, the you that You know you can be.
Maybe it's that life you want for yourself,
Maybe it's something you want but don't need.
Maybe it's just the one thing that has been missing in your life
Maybe it's something so strong that you feel it all the way to your bones....

Whatever that something is, You ought to go find it
And make it yours.
Because once you do, You will be happier that you have been.
Because what you were looking for is now YOURS.

All because, you took that step to make your life go forward.
Instead of sitting down and waiting for a miracle that may not happen.
After all, God only helps those who help themselves....

So do yourself a favor,

♥ Gigi

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Time to Do YOU!

Ever found yourself staring at the mirror and not recognizing the person looking back.
Not because you have become someone to be ashamed of,
But rather because you have faulted at NOT taking care of the person in the mirror.

Sometimes in life, we take care of EVERYONE ELSE,
And neglect the person that should come first once in awhile: YOU

It's essential for us as human to progress that we take of ourselves,

Make sure that not only the physical is looking good,

But that also the spiritual, emotional is fine.

We need to remember that if we are not happy we cannot make anyone else happy.

If we do not love ourselves, we cannot love others.
But most importantly if we do not take care of ourselves,
We are NOT capable of taking care of others.

Love should start internally,
Care should be felt everyday,
And as humans, we need to start realizing that the man or woman in the mirror,

Needs some TLC also.

Maybe just maybe, we should provide it to that person

Before spreading the love to the whole wide word.

It's time for some of us to stop neglecting ourselves,

So that we can look at that mirror and

Be proud to ONE in a MILLION!

It's All About the Silence

Sometimes in life, we become so preoccupied by what is going on in our lives
That we forget to take a break and relax a little.
Lately, I have been so busy with
The different foldings of my life
That I totally forgot about what it's like
To sit back and enjoy the sun;
Or better yet sit back and enjoy the SILENCE.
Having a busy schedule is fulfilling,
You feel like you are doing something useful,
When you are doing something productive,
You become an integral part of society.
You are not just taking up oxygen
And wasting it away.

However, it is good to sometimes
Contemplate what we have accomplished.
"You have to know where you came from to know where you are going"
So sit back relax, observe and appreciate the journey :)

Stay positive,

Saturday, September 19, 2009


In life, we get so tangled up with the unnecessary
we sometimes forget the important.
We lose track of what we ought to be looking at.

We forget what matters, what should matter.
We lose sight of the goals,
And sometimes we lose sight of ourselves...

So my food for thought today is,

Step back, take a moment and
Prioritize the things in your lives.

After all,
None of you is trying to end up like
This man....

An Anchor

We all want someone to anchor us
Someone to hold us tight when all is shattering

Someone to call our own

Someone to love and cherish.

Someone who can be reliable and, loyal.

Someone to make us smile and keep us alive.

Yet, the road to finding that person can be
Ooh so tiring.

You fall on the wrong person,
Trip on some jackass

Think you have found the one
When in fact you are in some big mess.

They say love is priceless but along that road,
You might think that love is cheap dirt.

However, when all comes to end
And all hope seems to die

That someone comes along to anchor us,

Hold us tight when all is shattering,
Love us and cherish us.
Somewhere along that road,
You found me…

God Bless,
♥ Gigi

When I die...

I was going through my book of poems and I found this one and thought I should share:

When I Die

I don’t give a danm about Gucci, LV, Coach, Juicy Couture & co.

Sure they make the appearance look good but they are more like a quiproquo.

Once you care more about what’s outside,

You forget about the inside.

In this world where, one is more prone to selfishness,

The words; tenderness seems to be forgotten along with forgiveness.

It if aint about being cool or making that dough, it aint for most.

If it aint about hollering at that shorty over there,

Or getting that sugar daddy right there,

It is mosdef not for most.

But is that what our world has come to? A world of morals forgotten?

Living for the flashing lights while the light Himself is forgotten?

Evaluating people by their bank accounts instead of who they are?

Money over People?

Living in an immoral world, where wrong and right seem to blend in…!!!

Where are we heading to?

What are we leaving for the future generations to look up to?

If that’s what we have to live in, I sure don’t want to be a part of it from the getgo.

Because I know where I want to go when I die.

And I am sure that a sugar daddy cant bring me there.

December, 18 2007

Hope you enjoyed it,


Friday, September 18, 2009

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait...

Why do bad things happen to good people?
It's one of the things that pisses me off.

Whenever you are trying to live your life right

It seems like everything seems to go wrong.

It is when you are working the hardest
That obstacles just surface like ants on a piece of candy.

I mean can good folks get a break?

They say good things come to those who wait...
But HOW long are we supposed to wait?

Think about it.
People who don't care about anything but themselves, got about everything going right for them.
Selfishness is becoming so prominent in our society,
That I get somewhat saddened thinking about the degree it has reached in the past decade.
There are people that are so selfish and heartless
That when you see them acting you can only say a prayer for them.

But funny thing is, it is those who have no problem stabbing someone in the back and

Those who have no notion of the word "ethics" that seems to have the less problems.

The other day, I went to watch the new Tyler Perry movie, "I Can Do Bad All by Myself" and Madea said something that was pretty true "If you give good things to people, you get good things back most of the time".... Just most of the time...Sad but true.

Now, all I want to know is "When do good people start getting what they deserve?"

If you find out please let me know,
Stay Blessed,

Skinny Jeans

So today I was sitting on a bench relaxing when I noticed one thing.
They were everywhere.

The most disturbing thing was that mainly guys were wearing them.

Tell me if I am wrong but, aren't skinny jeans initially female items??? Just a thought.
But the weirdest thing was that these grown men were wearing those jeans as tight as they could.
Those pants were so tight that if they wanted to reach into their pockets to grab a nickel;

"WHY sooo TIGHT gentlemen??!!"
I mean those jeans were tight-TIGHT!!!
Granted it is a change from the oh-so-unethical saggy jeans,
But wasn't there another alternative?
Did they have to try to make THAT opposite from saggy jeans?

Hum Hum
The wonders of what our society calls fashion.

Sometimes, you just got to look and shake your head.

Because I am pretty sure the family jewels of the guys who wear skinny jeans
are screaming for air and praying from some AC right about NOW.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sunshine after the rain...

Sometimes, life throws curves at us.
And we get kicked in the face so hard that

It seems like we can never overcome
Whatever obstacles that has been thrown in our way.

However, what I have learned in life is that
God NEVER put us in a situation that we CANNOT deal with.
If you are in a position where it seems

That it's all over and done with

Breathe, think and pray.

God NEVER let his children to die,
So You can assure you that there will be some positivity coming your way soon.

There is always sunshine after the rain.

"The road to success is not straight.
There is a curve called Failure,

A loop called Confusion,
Speed bumps called Friends,
Red lights called Enemies,
Caution lights called Family.
You will have flats called Jobs.

But, if you have a spare called
A engine called Perseverance,

Insurance called Faith,
And a driver called
You will make it to a place called Success".

So Keep the Faith, And Wait for Your Time of Sunshine.
Because it WILL COME.


Sand Animation

One of the discoveries that I made on the web today was "Sand Animation". It is this type of art that is performed by an artist above a lit projector allowing the spectators to see what is being done. As I was watching the video, it seems like a story was being told through the sand. I think its pretty amazing. Hope you guys enjoy it.


The pain is too strong to withstand
The tears burn as they come out;
It feels like there is nowhere to turn to,

I feel like screaming
But the sounds wont come out,
And if there were to come out,
None would seem to hear my cries of help.

I feel weak inside and out,
And yet the world seems to have landed on my shoulders.
The pain seems to ravage every other feelings that I have,
And it seems that I can barely breathe.

Despair is a strong state,
That I refuse to stay in.
The tears, the pain, the screams and cries;
They all need to go away.

Because the last thing that I need is,
Despair knocking at my door and trying to co-habitate.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


As I am falling into the gaze of sleepiness,
I will leave you with one thought.

You only live once.
Make sure it counts.
God Bless,


I found this quote on Google:

"When I was five years old, my mom told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “Happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life".

Maybe it is that easy.
Maybe Happiness is the key to life.
Maybe if we knew how to keep happiness in our lives,
We would be able to see that life isn't that hard.
Or at least that it should not be that hard.
Life is what we make it.

Maybe we should think like that five year-old and add "HAPPY" to our to-do-list.
And just maybe life would be a little bit brighter

Find your own happiness,
♥ Gigi


Sometimes, one mind wanders and brings to the surface emotions that we as human tend to think that we are not capable of feeling. Sometimes, we found ourselves in a pool of distress, in a sea of desolation. Sometimes, we become lost not because we have no understanding of the world that is around us but because we think so MUCH. We think of the reasons we did this or didn't. The ways we should have, could have or would have done something. All that thinking although it may be good in certain cases, in others it just places us a state of confusion that seems to shadow our every move, thought and action.

So this morning, my advice to you and to me is to sit back, and for once relax.
Life is ALWAYS ongoing. But the thing that I noticed is that sometimes its good to stop rushing, stop wandering, stop forcing upon the chain of events to turn them into the scenario that we want. Sometimes it good to just NOT think. Just sit there and breathe. Something that we all fail to do at moments. We fail to rest. We fail to take a beak from the craziness of this world.

Therefore, readers; if you feel that confusion is sneaking upon you. STOP thinking for the next five minutes and relax. Talk to God if you have to. Breathe, look at the sky. And if the sun is shining, enjoy the brightness of the possibilities that WILL come to your door. If its raining, enjoy the water wiping away (not in a literal sense of course) your worries and clearing your thought process towards the solutions you were looking for.

Yours Truly,