Sunday, June 20, 2010


Today I would be writing many posts except
BRAZIL is playing.
So readers, turn your TV on!!!!!
And appreciate Soccer at its finest! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010


It amazes me how people often mistake someone's kindness 
...For a weakness.
Being considerate to others has never been a crime until NOW.
You can't be considerate to others without them thinking that
They can consequently do whatever they want to you.
I have learned this week that although it takes strength 
To be caring to other in a selfish world,
It is idiotic to be caring towards other people
Because you think that it is expected of you.
In this process, you become a doormat to others.
Kindness is more than respect;
It is a genuine concern for the others well being.
But if there is no reciprocity,
There is no need to have one's kindness turned into a weakness.
There is no need to let others take advantage of you.
So if you are out there thinking 
That being considerate to everybody is the right thing to do,
Make sure you realize who really matters 
And if that person deserves your kindness.
There is no uglier thing that to be abused 
Because you are a nice caring person.

Stay guarded,

Small Big Things!

Sometimes, we don't realize how the small things matter in our lives.
A smile, a call, a touch, a memory;
These smalls things affect us more then we think.
We often take them for granted.
And today I realized that often the "things" that
We think are not so important in our lives...pretty much are.
Sometimes, all it takes is a smile-wink-look to make one happy.
Sometimes, it takes appreciating the small "things" in our lives
To fully cherish the big ones.
So, if you are out there thinking that what you do doesn't matter
I am here to tell you that you are wrong.
NO matter how small the gesture is,
NO matter how far the memories are engraved

It counts. It always counts.

Sometimes all it takes a small amount of appreciation
To make the world look a little bit brighter.
Stay positive,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Put a Smile On

Today someone did something nice for me just because.
My birthday was a week and a day ago (May 28th) and
Today I received some home-made cake with ice cream------>8 days after.
Now, this really surprised me
Because a LONG LONG time ago, I learned that people don't just do nice stuff for me
....just because
Yet today it happened to ...ME.
So I learned that sometimes people do nice stuff for others just because they care
...even if it is a little.
So readers, the food for thought for today is that
You can't based your opinions of others based on prior misconceptions.
Not everyone behaves the same way and most importantly 
Not everyone will repeat the same mistakes of others.
Maybe sometimes it is good to give the benefit of the doubt to others
Because once in awhile, we get experience some unselfish act of kindness
That makes us think that there is still love in this crazy world.
Stay Optimistic,


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Last night I decided that I wanted to cook some authentic Haitian food. Since I live alone and no longer have the luxury to mooch off my mother's cooking I had to pull out the pots and pans and get to it.
I let the chicken to be seasoned overnight and after class one hour I cooked some rice and beans, some chicken in sauce and some baked chicken.
And I was amazed at how much I had changed over the years. When I was younger, you couldn't pay me to cook dinner. I hated it. It was more a chore then anything. For all I cared, everybody could have starved if they were waiting on me to cook for them. lol
Now as I am fresh into adulthood, I really feel like an adult with all my bills.
And I am glad, that I am no longer a child.
I think there is a time for everything.
And part of life is leaving behind one's childlike manners to acquire life skills
Sometimes, change is good.
If I hadn't changed, currently I would be dying of starvation lol.
Gaining maturity is a process that we all have to go through.
The early you gain it, the better off you are.
So readers, embrace your the changes that adulthood brings into your life.