Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Last night I decided that I wanted to cook some authentic Haitian food. Since I live alone and no longer have the luxury to mooch off my mother's cooking I had to pull out the pots and pans and get to it.
I let the chicken to be seasoned overnight and after class one hour I cooked some rice and beans, some chicken in sauce and some baked chicken.
And I was amazed at how much I had changed over the years. When I was younger, you couldn't pay me to cook dinner. I hated it. It was more a chore then anything. For all I cared, everybody could have starved if they were waiting on me to cook for them. lol
Now as I am fresh into adulthood, I really feel like an adult with all my bills.
And I am glad, that I am no longer a child.
I think there is a time for everything.
And part of life is leaving behind one's childlike manners to acquire life skills
Sometimes, change is good.
If I hadn't changed, currently I would be dying of starvation lol.
Gaining maturity is a process that we all have to go through.
The early you gain it, the better off you are.
So readers, embrace your the changes that adulthood brings into your life.

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