Friday, November 4, 2016


It literally has been five years since I posted anything.
I have written but not posted so I figured better late then never.

I have wanted to be a doctor my whole life.
Minus that one period where I wanted to be a flight attendant.
Thankfully, that desire was fleeting. Pun intended.
And, I have been blessed to see my dreams come to reality.

Everyday, I walk out of work amazed by the value of human life.
Amazed by the intricacies of the human body.
And everyday I realize that the more I  know.
The more I don't know.

I have seen patients survive injuries that only a miracle could explain.
I have seen patients respond to the treatment so beautifully that all I could do was smile.
I have also seen tragedy that words could not even describe.

But through all of it, I have learned to appreciate the people in my life.
Past or present who have impacted me.
I have learned that as cliche as it sounds tomorrow is not promised.
And the ones in our life whom we love should be appreciated.

I have seen too many cases of "I wish I did" to not urge you to live life to the fullest.
So cherish the people who value you.
Love a little harder. Laugh a little longer. Smile a little brighter.

It's never to late to learn to truly value the humans who make your life better.
♥ Gigi

Monday, May 16, 2011


You work hard.
You perserserve.
You make it happen.

The light bulb clicked today.
If I don't believe in myself
I am setting myself up for failure
But if I believe that not only can I reach for the stars
But that I can become one in the process,
Well it's bound to happen
As long as I am working for it.

So readers,
It's time to kick's butt twice as hard now
Because it's the only way to MAKE IT HAPPEN!
♥ Gigi

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Get It Right

Sometimes we feel like we are on a ship sinking.
Sinking faster then we could surface and catch a breath.

The lyrics of a particular song say:
"What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many it times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me?
To get it right"

And we try to figure out how many times
It will take to GET IT RIGHT.
Quite frankly I don't know,
But I KNOW personally I won't stop until

I never thought a song could actually
Express my feelings better than my own words could.
But this song really does.
So hope you guys enjoy this song as much as I do.
♥ Gigi

"Get It Right" By Glee Cast

Friday, March 11, 2011

Make it Worth Your While

It's funny how people expect you to be there for them,
Be nice to them, be a good friend to them...
But they never feel the need to reciprocate.
One-Way Relationship are the worst...
It's like people tend to forget that 
It's not their world we're living in
And that the sun really does not revolve around them.
And it's amazing how people feel extremely offended 
When you just stop paying attention to them 
Due to this given one-way relationship.

So readers, if you are the one being inconsiderate,
Please try to work on your people skills.
And you're the one being a "semi-doormat"
Please speak up!
Time is too precious 
For it to be wasted on those who do not deserve it!

Know That You Are Valuable,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tough like Kevlar

Some days are harder than others...
Some days, we feel like
We have the world on our shoulders,
BUT that is what life does.
Like kicks your butt sometimes,
It scares the crap out of you,
It beats you up.
BUT at some point,
You will realize that
You're more than a survivor.
You're a fighter.
And if you've made it this far,
You're tougher than anything life throws at you. 

So readers,
Give yourself a pat on the shoulder.
So far the score is life-1 you-1.
And we both know,
That you have more fight in you!

Stay Strong,
♥ Gigi


Lately I have realized that as
I am moving into a new phase of my life,
Many things are changing:
"My perspective on life, my attitude towards life
And mainly...the people in my life.
And as some people are disappearing
To become shadows of the past.
Others are appearing or staying for the ride.
And I have come to embrace the fact
That change is good.
Change is sometimes needed in order to grow.

Nicholas Sparks said:
"People come, people go 
They’ll drift in and out of your life, 
Almost like characters in a favorite book.
When you finally close the cover, 
The characters have told their story and 
You start up again with another book, 
Complete with new characters and adventures. 
Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, 
Not the ones from the past."

I believe he was right.
Life would be a horrible book,
If the same characters kept resurfacing
So readers, maybe it is a good thing that
Life brings new characters in our life,
And instead of watching out and 
Being afraid for what's just ahead of us 
We should take time to enjoy
Where we are and what's right in front us.

Stay Blessed Readers
Appreciate the Moment
And Expect the Unexpected,

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Zero Worries...

Worrying about life pretty much gets you nothing
BUT a pounding headache...
So from now on, I am letting go of yesterday. 
I am not going to worry about tomorrow. 
I am just going to focus on today...

Take it one day at a time readers!
♥ 'Gigi

My Anthems for March :)

Lately so much garbage has been played on the radio
That I forget there is more to music then ridiculous hooks
But once in awhile, true music is being broadcasted...
Like this song by Adele "Rolling in the Deep"!
And... even this new song by Diddy "I am coming home":)
Hope you enjoy it!

Super Powers....

Sometimes I wish I had powers.
Not ridiculous powers like being able to fly like Superman.
But meaningful powers with a purpose bigger than myself.  

But powers that could allow me to put 
A permanent smile on my mother's face.
Or  powers that would allow me to be prepared
When life decided to smack me in the face.
Or better yet the power to put a smile on this old lady whom I met the other day. 
This lady had NO ONE.
Literally, she had nobody..
No Husband, no family, no children, no friends...
And I wanted to take her pain away...
Even it was for five minutes...

Maybe it's just me.
But I have noticed that
There's always a little truth behind every "jk",
A little knowledge behind every "idk",
A little emotion behind every "idc"
&& a little pain behind every "Im Okay".

So, sometimes I wish I had the power to take pain away.
Even if it is momentarily..
Because every once in awhile,
Everybody deserves to smile with all your being,
And not worry about a thing.

So maybe I am foolish
But that's the power I wish I had.
The power to take pain away.
The power to allow people to smile with their heart.

Smile with Your Heart :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Man-Eating Sharks!!!!

They make you laugh.
They make you cry.
But at the end of the day,
Some friends are the real deal.

So if you have the real deal friends,
Just show them some appreciation.
It's a world of sharks out there...
There are more backstabbers 
Than back scratchers.
...I'm just saying

Be aware of these sharks!
Love, Gigi