Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Cherished List

I met an amazing person this year.
Sometimes, you come across people that mark you and make you want to change for the better just because they believe in you and make you believe that you can actually
make it through the toughest situation.
Those people are called friends
And I can honestly say
I got one more friend to add my cherished list.

So as a general thought, if you have any real friends
that are ALWAYS there for you
even if they are far apart
Feel blessed.
Because in this world of wolves,
it's good to know that somewhere
someone has your interest at heart.

I am glad YOU are a part of my life.
*You guys know who you are*
♥ Gigi


October 27th, 2009 was my 2 year anniversary.
Although I was happy to the utmost level
I can honestly say that being relationship is one of the hardest
And yet most enjoyable things I have had to do in my life.
Being in a relationship takes putting away selfishness to care for 2 instead of 1.

For someone who was truly relationship phobic, I can honestly look back to these two years and feel like it was worth it, the ups and downs, the journey, the love, the heartaches, the tears, the laughs, the jokes, the small gestures that make us smile, all of it was worth it.
All because He is a great guy that never once gave up on us and because he has showed to me that love is actually attainable on this earth.

So, Baby, Thank you for these two years.
I love you.

Someone once said:

"Sometimes a little isolation just might be the best solution."

whatever it is that is troubling you....
or whoever is giving you gray hairs...

Distance yourself for awhile
and take some time to think. evaluate. && pray.
It will do your soul some good.
Stay Collected,