Thursday, December 30, 2010

End of the Road...

I read this quote and it made my day
So I am going to make your day readers by sharing!

"Tough times NEVER last, but tough people do." ~ Robert H. Schuller
This is my little moral boost to you guys all the way from FL :)

♥ Gigi

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Will Power

They say some things in life are impossible to acheive.
I say "If there is a will, there's a way"
I have lived by this motto for the past four years,
And truth be told, it is true!

So readers, my food for thought for today is
If you want something, you will find a way to get it.
Find the determination to acheive that something,
And find the best way to make it happen!
So Go for it.
With no fear.
With all your will.

Stay determined,

True Beauty

The other day, I was walking around the mall and
I noticed that our society is very superficial.
When you walk into a store, they have a definite picture 
Of what they want us to believe is beauty.
And that annoyed me.

I am sorry but who are they to define beauty?
When did it become obligatory for us to look all the same to be beautiful?
Who gave them the right to set guidelines on what is beautiful?
Since when being skinny was the IT of being beautiful?
Or better yet,
Since when having a certain nose classified a person as beautiful? 
Or my least favorite, 
Since when did the color of your skin become a criteria of beauty?

It has gotten to the point where 
We start to judge people based on these given criteria.
I will be honest and say that I did it the other day
And classified a random person based on mere appearances.
Quite frankly, I was ashamed.
I should know better. 
We should know better to judge people based on appearances.

What makes a person beautiful is more then their physical.
True beauty comes from within.
And throughout the years I have learned that
The only person that isn't beautiful, 
Cannot see the beauty within others.
Better yet, the person who isn't beautiful 
Cannot see the beauty within themselves.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross once said:
"People are like stained-glass windows. 
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, 
But when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed 
Only if there is a light from within"

So readers, learn how to define YOUR beauty.
And make sure your beauty is not just superficial
Make sure your beauty comes from WITHIN

♥ Gigi

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Overrated Uniqueness

So as I was walking around campus today 
I realized that many of the girls and guys 
With supposedly edgy "hairstyles" and outfits
Looked pretty much the SAME.
Everybody wants to be artistic,
Everybody wants to be DIFFERENTLY cool.
Everybody wants to go natural.
(Disclaimer: I am not against natural hair, 
I am just tired of women doing it because everybody else is doing it)

So this got me thinking
Since everyone is trying so hard lately to be unique
Eventually, everybody will look the same, act the same.
It will be like watching living photocopies...
So next time, you are trying so hard to be unique
To make others realize that you are "important"
Let's face it, you were important from the get go
No need to try so hard.
Besides, a philosopher once said:
“Of course you’re unique, just like everyone else".

Stay True to Yourselves Readers,
♥ Gigi

Friday, November 5, 2010


 A long time ago
I've learned that even the best intentions
Can lead to disasters.

I've learned you can never expect anything from anyone.
No matter who it is. 
The second you expect something from someone, 
You're setting yourself up for heartbreak.

So I am sorry if it is hard for me to see the best in everything or everyone.
But it's I know that its better, NOT to expect anything
Unfulfilled expectations lead to pain and disappointment.
While when you didn't expect anything
And something good happens, it give you pleasure.

So I am going to keep on expecting nothing from nobody but ME
This way, I'll know what to expect at ALL times.
Stay true to yourself readers.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wish Upon a Star

We live and learn.
Well, so far I've lived and learned that
Sometimes in life,  we get caught up wishing
For something that will never happen
Sometimes, if we reach for the stars and 
Never, ever ever give up.
Never tell ourselves no.
We can achieve anything.
It may take days, months, years and even decades
But once you catch that star
The reward is breathtaking.
So that's what I am doing
I am wishing upon two stars
And when I get them,
It will be worth it.
♥ Gigi


Often we sit around, mopping because we dont know what we want.
Well as I am sitting in my bedroom
I figured ONE of the things that everybody wants.

It hit me:
"At the end of the day, we dont want to be everything to everyone.
No. That would be ridiculous.
We just want to be something to SOMEONE"

Just that simple.

Wrong Labels

It's amazing how we think we know people
Or believe that we know exactly what they're about.
And most of the times, we are wrong.
Most of the times, we misjudge others
We put labels on people, and place them in little boxes 
That we think they belong in.
We do to others what we dont want to be done to us.
We automatically assume that they are what we want them to be.
Funny thing is people are not little stick figures.
Putting a label on a person 
Doesn't necessarily mean that the given label is correct.
A labeled sweetheart might be a backstabbing person on the down low.
While a labeled sarcastic person might just be a sweetheart.
So we need to be careful.
Often we judge others, we don't define them.
We define ourselves
So we need to be careful

Besides Mother Theresa said it best:
If you judge people, you have no time to love them
:) Gigi

Dare to Live

Sometimes we do things for others
And we fail. Miserably.
And the day we realize that it's better to live for ourselves
Than others, we start succeeding.
Because for once, it's not about pleasing others
It's about doing what we want for us.
Its about taking chances and living life to the fullest.
And lately, that's what I have been experiencing.
I've realized that it's better to live your life
So at least when you fail,
The only person you have to answer to is yourself.
But most importantly, when you try your best at what you want to do
There is no such thing as a failure.
Instead there's just a first trial followed by an inevitable success.
So readers, if you are out there
Trying to please everyone and forgetting about the most important person
You need to sit down and restart.
Life is about living fully.
So stop walking on eggshells and get to steppin!
You can't live your life for other people.
You've got to do what right for you.
Even if it hurts some people you love.

You cannot live for someone else
If you don't live first for yourself.
If you are nothing, the one you love will not love you.
To be what your love loves, you must be yourself first ♥

Friday, September 10, 2010

After the Rain Comes the Sun

Adversity should be my middle name.
Every year, there is some new challenge that I have to face and CONQUER.
Every year, there is something that comes along and tries to break me.
And sometimes, hard times bring sorrow.
And it's perfectly ok to cry when you're hurting inside.

However, what I did learn and KNOW for a fact is that
It's not okay to keep on crying and not do anything to fix the problem.
So if you are out there thinking that it's all going down the drain;
And there is no hope.

Wipe your tears and get to work.
Success comes with hardships.
You just have to learn to overcome those suckers
And rise to the top!

Stay positive

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sticks and Stones

All my life I have heard sayings like:
"Just because you are book smart doesn't mean
You're street smart"
or better yet
"You might make in school but you won't in life"

Well for the past two weeks, I was shown and proven that 
All of these people were WRONG and SPITEFUL.
As I am finishing my thesis paper for my master's degree,
I recieved a phone call telling me that out of the 27,000 students attending my university
I was chosen with four other students to
Be recognized and honorably mentioned in the Presidential State of University Address.

For a long time, these sayings have hurted me 
But as I am getting ready to apply for graduation,
And as I look forward to go the State of University Address
I believe and KNOW that God will make me shine as the years go by.

One thing for sure,
When people try to you bring down,
God will only bring you higher.

So readers, if you know someone who tries to bring you down
Just brush it off and try your best to follow the saying:
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"
In the end, it's not about what they say
It's about rising up, and becoming a better person everyday!!!

Stay Strong,
And remember that the sky is not the limit...
There are footprints on the moon :)
God Bless,
♥ Gigi

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I wrote this and thought I should share 
It's been a while since I wrote any poems.
I miss it.


Your work goes unnoticed, irrelevant.
Day by day, one word, one look kills a lifetime of effort.
Your heart feels like its dying little by little
It seems like everything you do or touch goes wrong.
So you curl all alone in your bed wondering
When did it all go err?
What changed and why did it change?
You wonder how the hell you got yourself into that mess
With misery for your only company
And under-appreciated for a middle name.
You start thinking that in the end
No one cares
Because out of the blue,
You were left to rot alone with your thoughts and a burdensome sadness
That seems to weight as much as mother earth.
All because, your value goes unnoticed, and all is irrelevant;
Leaving you Under-appreciated.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Deepest Fear

I always love this poem: Our Deepest Fear
I feel that it is empowering.
Therefore, I am sharing it with you guys.
Hoping that it will help you overcome whatever your deepest fears are!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. 
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure around you. 
We are all meant to shine, as children do. 
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. 
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, 
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others"
— Marianne Williamson
Stay Blessed
Gigi ♥


The other day I was talking with a friend of mine.
And she said something to me that got me thinking:
"G, it's not those who don't like you you have to worry about.
It's your friends"

And, right after she said it. 
I think some of my brain cells stopped working for a nanosecond.
Is it true that it's our friends that we should worry about?

Friends are the people you feel safe around 
Because you know they care about you.
They call just to see how you are doing, because a friend doesn't need an excuse.
They tell you the truth, the first time, and you do the same.
You know that if you have a problem, they are there to listen.
Friends are the people you love regardless, whether or not you realize it.

And yet, I have a close friend who has hurt numerous times.
Sometimes, it happens because she doesn't realize it and
Often it happens because my friend has a tendency to be selfish.
I think it's in her nature.
She is the one that thought that those you care about 

Have the power to hurt you the most.
Yet, I still care for her because hey I am a softie. lol

No but seriously,
Should we worry about our friends?

Last time I checked, the famous quote said,
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Not the other way around....

What do you think readers?

Request DENIED!

I have noticed lately that in my personal life
I have a number of fair-weathered friends or opportunists.
Opportunists are those people who only call or try to reach you
When they need something from you.
Opportunists are like these stupid ants that come around randomly.
Opportunists annoy me.
For some reason, some people in my life think that
It's okay to call me once every red moon
And expect me to actually give them whatever they are asking for...
Well, today
I have an announcement for the opportunists that are in my life:

If you call and I dont pick up----> Now you know why.
My number is not an IN CASE OF EMERGENCY #
So next time, you feel like calling me or texting me
Just because you need me
And because you feel like you using me.
Better luck with 911.
Last time I checked they were the emergency line
And they HAVE to pick up your phone calls...
While quite frankly...I sure DONT.

Good riddance,

Monday, August 2, 2010


For the past three months, I have  been submerged with school and work
It's like somehow, I lost control of my life
To become this constant working machine.
I forgot to breathe.
I forgot to relax.
I forgot what it meant to RELAX.

Sometimes in life, we become overwhelmed with our daily activities 
And forget to actually take care of what actually matters:
YOURSELF---> mind,body,soul.

In the midst of taking care of business and others,
Readers make sure that you take time:
To breathe,
To relax,
And to take care of yourselves.
After all there is only one of you
To enjoy that life that was given to YOU

Stay Blessed, 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Flaw in Women

 I read this poem online and thought that It was TRUE.
Therefore, I am sharing this with you women out there 
Hoping that you learn to fix that ONE flaw.

One Flaw In Women 
 Women have strengths that amaze men.....

 They bear hardships and they carry burdens,

 but they hold happiness, love and joy.

 They smile when they want to scream.

 They sing when they want to cry.

 They cry when they are happy

 and laugh when they are nervous.

 They fight for what they believe in..

 They stand up to injustice.

 They don't take "no" for an answer

 when they believe there is a better solution.

 They go without so their family can have.

 They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

 They love unconditionally.

 They cry when their children excel

 and cheer when their friends get awards.

 They are happy when they hear about

 a birth or a wedding.

 Their hearts break when a friend dies.

 They grieve at the loss of a family member,

 yet they are strong when they

 think there is no strength left.

 They know that a hug and a kiss

 can heal a broken heart.

 Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

 They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you

 to show how much they care about you.

 The heart of a woman is what

 makes the world keep turning.

 They bring joy, hope and love.

 They have compassion and ideas.

 They give moral support to their

 family and friends.

 Women have vital things to say

 and everything to give.


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Love the Way You Lie?....Seriously?!

Did anybody listen to Eminem's new song featuring Rihanna "Love the Way You Lie"?
If you didn't, please do and tell me if the lyrics aren't borderline psycho.
I am sorry but wasn't she a part of a domestic violence experience?
Shouldn't she be setting an example against the phenomenon?

Then why is she singing:
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's all right because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well that's all right because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
In a song that says:
"I know I'm a liar if she ever tries to fuckin' leave again
I'ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire"
Maybe it's just me but I think that its of bad taste
And quite disturbing to hear her sing about this crazy scenario....


Not Alone.

Sometimes we tend to believe that we are all alone in this world.
Sometimes we tend to believe that we don't matter.
That we have to go through our ups and downs, 
Armed with nothing but our own uncertainties.
However, this weekend three people made me realize that 
We are never alone.
We actually mattered in someone's world
We actually are not there wasting this earth's oxygen
Acting as mannequins that are ready to be disposed of.
We actually matter
So readers, if you are out there thinking that you don't matter
Or that your existence doesn't make a difference
And that the world will keep on turning with or without you
I am here to remind you that
And most importantly,
That you are NOT alone.
♥ Gigi

P.S: To the 3 of you. Thank you. Especially you Moumoune :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Food for thought today:
Being real is like being a lady
...If you have to tell people you are
...You AREN'T.
Marinate on that readers :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Today I would be writing many posts except
BRAZIL is playing.
So readers, turn your TV on!!!!!
And appreciate Soccer at its finest! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010


It amazes me how people often mistake someone's kindness 
...For a weakness.
Being considerate to others has never been a crime until NOW.
You can't be considerate to others without them thinking that
They can consequently do whatever they want to you.
I have learned this week that although it takes strength 
To be caring to other in a selfish world,
It is idiotic to be caring towards other people
Because you think that it is expected of you.
In this process, you become a doormat to others.
Kindness is more than respect;
It is a genuine concern for the others well being.
But if there is no reciprocity,
There is no need to have one's kindness turned into a weakness.
There is no need to let others take advantage of you.
So if you are out there thinking 
That being considerate to everybody is the right thing to do,
Make sure you realize who really matters 
And if that person deserves your kindness.
There is no uglier thing that to be abused 
Because you are a nice caring person.

Stay guarded,

Small Big Things!

Sometimes, we don't realize how the small things matter in our lives.
A smile, a call, a touch, a memory;
These smalls things affect us more then we think.
We often take them for granted.
And today I realized that often the "things" that
We think are not so important in our lives...pretty much are.
Sometimes, all it takes is a smile-wink-look to make one happy.
Sometimes, it takes appreciating the small "things" in our lives
To fully cherish the big ones.
So, if you are out there thinking that what you do doesn't matter
I am here to tell you that you are wrong.
NO matter how small the gesture is,
NO matter how far the memories are engraved

It counts. It always counts.

Sometimes all it takes a small amount of appreciation
To make the world look a little bit brighter.
Stay positive,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Put a Smile On

Today someone did something nice for me just because.
My birthday was a week and a day ago (May 28th) and
Today I received some home-made cake with ice cream------>8 days after.
Now, this really surprised me
Because a LONG LONG time ago, I learned that people don't just do nice stuff for me
....just because
Yet today it happened to ...ME.
So I learned that sometimes people do nice stuff for others just because they care
...even if it is a little.
So readers, the food for thought for today is that
You can't based your opinions of others based on prior misconceptions.
Not everyone behaves the same way and most importantly 
Not everyone will repeat the same mistakes of others.
Maybe sometimes it is good to give the benefit of the doubt to others
Because once in awhile, we get experience some unselfish act of kindness
That makes us think that there is still love in this crazy world.
Stay Optimistic,


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Last night I decided that I wanted to cook some authentic Haitian food. Since I live alone and no longer have the luxury to mooch off my mother's cooking I had to pull out the pots and pans and get to it.
I let the chicken to be seasoned overnight and after class one hour I cooked some rice and beans, some chicken in sauce and some baked chicken.
And I was amazed at how much I had changed over the years. When I was younger, you couldn't pay me to cook dinner. I hated it. It was more a chore then anything. For all I cared, everybody could have starved if they were waiting on me to cook for them. lol
Now as I am fresh into adulthood, I really feel like an adult with all my bills.
And I am glad, that I am no longer a child.
I think there is a time for everything.
And part of life is leaving behind one's childlike manners to acquire life skills
Sometimes, change is good.
If I hadn't changed, currently I would be dying of starvation lol.
Gaining maturity is a process that we all have to go through.
The early you gain it, the better off you are.
So readers, embrace your the changes that adulthood brings into your life.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Job is A Job?

So today I was listening to the radio, and it seemed like every station was giving some song featuring Lil Wayne or some other song with Gucci Mane. Now correct me if I am wrong, but aren't these two hum..gentlemen (?) in jail?

Gucci Mane has been chilling like a villain for like a year....and Lil Wayne well Lil Wayne is Lil Wayne.
And yet they have music videos coming out, songs being seriously?
Where can I find a job like that????

I want to be able to disappear from the face of the earth for a year and still make money every day!
I know for a fact a Biology/Biotech degree will not allow that! 
My boss would probably ask me if I had been sniffing the acetone in the lab if I were to ask for such a deal lol.

But as I was listening to the radio, that's all I could think was "must be nice"
Can the government come up with positions like that? hum...yes I am serious
I am graduating in December and hum I would really like to see this happen lol
Thank you very much President Obama!
Am I the only one who thought about that at some point this year?


HATE IS EASY; LOVE TAKES COURAGE Pictures, Images and Photos

I saw this quote and it just clicked!
If instead of trying to figure out ways NOT to love each other or
Ways NOT to be with each other,
We as humans actually took a chance on love, 
Maybe, just maybe the world would be a better place.

Although love tends to make us vulnerable, I think that
It's amazing and actually quite scary to know that a person,
A normal person, gets under your skin so much that
They can actually touch your heart without even trying.

Being vulnerable is definitively NOT the best feeling in the world.
However, to know that you can actually be vulnerable is good I supposed.
It lets you know that you are human.
And choosing to be vulnerable with someone is courageous
So that's why it clicked in my mind today!

Love takes courage!
Hate is so oh so boring in comparison (It's like wasting molecules of energy)
On the other hand, love is like this "thing" that is too deep for words,
So it's pointless trying to describe it,
And it's better to just live it....with courage!
Get it?
I hope it clicked for you guys too!

Say no to hate!

Yo Side....of the Bed...

Although I respect all the army/navy/marines/air force men and women who are fighting for the country. I would never want one of my close relatives to enroll.
I think I would die of anxiety.
Trey Songz (hum Trey Songz) has a new video called Yo Side of the Bed that is oh so emotional. Instead of studying, I am sharing the new video with you guys! Enjoy!
Please keep all the soldiers in your prayers! ♥


So today as I was browsing the web I discovered this video.
If if you ask me its pretty amazing.
The girl in the video is Sheena . 
For one whole year, she has worned the same dress!
That is 12 months, 365 days if you forgot!
Well she added accessories to the dress, which for some reason doesn't always look like the same dress since this girl is a genius at styling!!!!

The reason for this one year-one dress mission is the Uniform project which raises money for the Akanksha Foundation, which is an organization devoted to education reform in India.In the end, Shena managed to collect $95,089 =264 kids in school!!!!
Pretty Amazing if you ask me!

After watching this video all I could think was "What I am doing with my life?" lol
I love it . You should watch it .

Here is the Video! Enjoy!

Uniform Project Picture Book from The Uniform Project on Vimeo.


When does it END?
Not life just the STRESS!!!
I mean does stress ever disappear
Or is it forever present?
I can't and I don't expect life to be this fairy-tale, happy place 24/7.
But, I need some peace & tranquility!
Someone once said, "Life is simple, it's just not easy. ",
And I believe that they were telling the truth.
Sometimes it seems that problems come by the dozen.
Headaches and worries by the hundreds.
And yet, somewhere in all the chaos
I realized that life would not be worth it
If there were no hardships to make the conquests stand out.
So even if sometimes I wish I could wake up in a remote island
Sipping on some exotic concoction, laying on a hammock, WORRY-FREE,
I appreciate the good times, the bad times and the BUGLY times!
And so should you readers!
Life is a journey in which you should reach for the stars, the moon
Heck if the sun was attainable we should reach for the sun! :)
And sometimes, life is a journey in which you learn
How to reach for the hands of those who matter.
So even if all of my loved ones don't read this blog,
I just want to thank everyone who has been there for me for these past 20 years.
As I am about to turn 20 Friday!!!!
And I believe that as I will no longer be a teenager,
I should start embracing my adulthood by counting my blessings! (Hello more bills! HA)
So today I am taking the time to say Thank you and to remind you guys
That maybe sometimes, life is not as bad as we think.
Life is what you make it!
So today I am making my life at least trying to make my life
More stress-less and more happy-filled.
I am feeling very grateful and blessed despite the stress that wont go away
I love every single one of you that has pushed, yelled at, encouraged, and loved me unconditionally.
My journey is also your journey.
Ultimately, my love is your love. (Dont I sound super mushy lol)

"May The Best Of Your Yesterdays Be The Worst Of Your Tomorrows"

P.S: Here is Don't Worry Be Happy by Bobby Mcferrin :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lost Friend

They always say that friends are the family that God never gave you.
I never though that I would lose a friend, but tonight I think I did.
Losing a friend close to your heart  not because they are dead but,
Because they no longer have faith in you is one of the hardest thing to experience.
It's one of these things that you don't see coming and that you never imagined to happen.
It's hard to lose anything, but losing a friend close to your heart is just brutally painful.
It's like receiving a punch to the heart that removes couple pieces of your heart forever.
I never thought this would come to this and it hurts so much.
However I respect your choice, and wish you the best.
I will miss you a WHOLE lot.

I hope you read this one day and realized that I always cared and always will.

Find Your Love

This song has been stuck in my mind for the past three days!
I thought I should share
Here is Find Your Love by Drake!

The official video is the second video of this post :) Enjoy!

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Matter of Luck

Marylin Monroe said:

“I believe things happen for a reason.
People change so you can learn to let go,
Things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they are right,
You believe lies so you can eventually start to trust no one but yourself,
And sometimes things fall apart,
So better things can fall together.”

Tonight, more then ever, I believe that Marylin Monroe was right.

Sometimes, things fall apart so better things can fall together.
We have to believe that the reason for our misfortunes, is that 
There is Luck waiting ahead of the road for us.
That has to be the reason....

Stay Optimistic,

Laughter Heals The Heart

laughing Pictures, Images and Photos

I ran accross this quote on google and though it should be the food for though today:
"The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."-
Marjorie Pay Hincklely
P.S: Laughing while having God on your side would just expedite things :)

Be cheerful,

Fake Gold!

Often, we tend to judge others by their appearance and put labels on them.
However, we put label that categorize people and gave them a non-favorable image in our minds.
Also we tend to forget the opposite, that sometimes, what does look good is often very evil.
Just because, someone or something looks enticing doesn't necessarily mean that that person/thing will benefit YOU.

Therefore, my quote for today is:
"Everything That Shines Ain’t Always Gonna Be Gold"

Stay Aware


The other day I was watching one of my favorites shows Grey's Anatomy.
And the episode that was airing got me thinking about happiness.

We all want to be happy.
We all desire to find and keep happiness in our lives.

However sometimes, we tend to be too stubborn to Recognize when happiness in at your doorsteps.
Often we are afraid t let happiness into our lives and
Tend to sabotage any given opportunities that may present itself to us.

My food for thought today is that we all have a RIGHT to be happy,
Everybody deserves a shot to happiness and
We all should be able to what is necessary to gain that happiness.

We need to remember that we DESERVE to be happy
And feel joy from every bone in your body to the deepest part of your soul.
Therefore, readers, go on your pursuit of happiness!
Don't Worry, Be Happy
(:) Gigi

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cloudy Sun!

Thursday I was on a plane 
And as I was looking out the windons I was amazed.
Sometimes we tend to forget the beauty of the world we live in.
Granted not everything is bright and sunny but it is essential 
To recognize that God has created some wonders with our surroundings.

As I was going from Florida to New York, the scenery was breathtaking
At a point all I could do was stare at the clouds and 
Imagine what it would feel like to lay on a cloud.
After all this blog is called A Mind on Cloud Nine
So it is only normal for me to want to experience being on a cloud.

Anyways, what I am trying to say readers is
sometimes, we forget to sit back and appreciate our surroundings.
So just take a moment to appreciate nature around you.
Whether you are going through some hard times or
Having the summer of your life
Watching the sun set or rise will do you some good.

As I was watching the clouds and the different land patterns of FL and NY
All I could do was smile and realize that everything is going to be alright.
If could God could create such beauty and arrange the earth in such a way
The wonders He Could do for me and you are endless!

So take a break and take a moment to enjoy nature!
Life is too short not smell the roses once in a while!
Love, Gigi

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sour Lemons

Disclaimer: This Post Includes Strong Language.

For this past week, I have been reminded that Shit Happens
And when I mean Shit I really do mean Shit.
It's like once things start going downhill,
They won't stop until they hit rock bottom.
And when life smacks you hard,
It is easy to just give up, and not try to get up.

However, what I also remembered during this past week is that
"When life gets your lemons, make lemonade"
Which means when Shit happens, as humans
We have to be able to rise above the pain and suffering
And make the best of the situation.

That is why readers, instead of complaining about the lemons life gives you
And instead of trying to return the stupid lemons,
Make a lemonade and remember that
There is sunshine after the rain;
And that shit WONT happen all the times.

Stay Strong
♥ Gigi