Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Say Goodbye and Go

Sometimes you meet a person that marks you forever.
It is like from the moment you met the person,
You could never be the same.

And that's not necessarily in the love department.
Sometimes, you meet a person with a warm soul,
Or you meet a person with a purpose
And they make you want to change for the better.

Other times, it's the opposite,
You meet a person so callous and inconsiderate
That you as an individual feel as if you need to change for the worst
And eliminate every ounce of kindness you had left in you.

Personally, what I have learned in my short and yet filled life
Is that you should
never let someone bring you down.
No one should be able to diminish who you are.
Better yet, you should know better then to let others kill your persona.
Negativity should never be one of the ruling elements in your life.
You should not even allow negativity to knock on your door.
So if you have those people in your life that you feel are doing NOTHING
But Bring you down maybe, now is the time
To close the door on that NEGATIVITY
And open the door to Positivity.

After all, it is so nice when you meet
The people who make you want to be a better person
or When you meet the people that literally
imprint themselves
In your heart and mind in a positive way.

So, readers, say goodbye to negativity and hello to positivity!
Life is too short to have to deal with the bad and the ugly.
Think goodness and positivity, and they will come into your life.

Stay +ive
Gigi :)

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