Tuesday, May 11, 2010


During the past months, I have observed many things.
As I pay attention to the small details of my surroundings,
One of the things I have learned is that
We as humans tend to take ourselves to seriously.

I have seen cases,
Where individuals think that they are the top of the mountain and
That there is nothing better then them out there.
I have seen cases,
Where people are willing to put others down to make themselves feel better.
I have seen cases,
Where people tend to forget that sometimes the world does not revolve around them and
That there are other people making the world go around.
I have seen cases where people are so narcissistic that
They forget that someone out there
Who is prettier, smarter, more educated, more liked, more charismatic then them.

And as I was observing I became to realize that many of us have a HUGE ego.
Last time, I checked vanity was not a quality others tend to appreciate.
Often, we tend to forget the small thing called humility.
Humility often means being modest and not boastful.

Therefore, if you are out there thinking that you are the ish, it's okay.
But remember it is UGLY and pathetic,
When you have to put others down in order for you to feel like the ish.
It is UGLY, when you have to be egotistical about your qualities.

So please, learn how to love yourselves without putting others down and without being vain.
After all, each person is unique in their own way and has his/her own beauty.
If you feel the need to bring someone down or
The need to bring yourself to a pedestal so high that even God will roll his eyes at you,
There may some vanity or self esteem issues that need to addressed.

I read this somewhere:
"Self-appreciation is not about putting others down or thinking yourself better;
It is about loving ourselves the way we are and in turn loving others the way they are.
Remember: I can only accept and love you if I am willing to love and accept myself and acknowledge my own self-worth"

Many of us need to learn the true meaning of self-appreciate and understand how to practice it in our lives.

Stay Blessed,

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