Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So whoever knows me well knows that food is a forever thought present in my mind.

No I am not greedy...well...not all the times but there are times like now where one special dish wont give my mind nor stomach a rest.

Right now it is the thought of a cheesecake topped with a juicy strawberry crowned with some whipped cream. Sound so good, doesn't it? Society nowadays gives us a false idea of what is the desired attitude when it comes to food, and ...*sigh* weight.

Personally, I think that we should be allowed to indulge ourselves once in awhile. If it is the chocolate that makes your toes curl or just that one glass of wine, once in awhile, do yourself a favor and treat yourself!

After all, we only live once.... now if I only could make that piece of cheesecake magically appear....


  1. You know I am a lover of food too, but honestly, this is my favorite thing! Just like the picture. Cheesecake Factory "Fresh Strawberry Cheesecake!" Hold the chocolate, the cherries, the peanut butter, just give me my strawberries and whipped cream! Yum, Im craving it now! Dammit Georgia!!!!!!!!!!

  2. LOL!! Im trying to cut back !! now i just want to go out a by me a o piece of Cheesecake!! lol

  3. DDDDDDaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmm girl u make me hungry cheescake choclate wathever as long as it is a cake i just want to bite one nnooowww mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............

  4. chheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese caaaaaaaaaaakkeeee huummmmmm mon peche mignon si m te ansent bagay sa a tap leve sou pitit la tèlman m vle gen de lè lol ...si ou poko goute l ak raspberries u should....bon revenon a l essentiel ..se gater des fois c bon jai pris du temps a catcher ca c triste cuz j me limite tellement des fois c fou ....y a du monde ke j regarde aller jaimerais ca vivre de mm but c juste IMPOSSIBLE but newayzzz...nuff said
