Friday, June 12, 2009

Longing For...

Deep inside we all what to be special to someone.

We long for the undivided love and attention of one person.

That one person who can make us feel like we are the only thing that matters.

We long for burning passion, and yet security.

We do not wish to be on a pink cloud because that feeling would only ephemeral.

We wish to be on a cloud nine where the feeling would be everlasting.

We long to be the King/Queen of somebody.

We long to have someone give the world to us and be willing to share it with us.

In the words of Jah Cure, we want a love that is so real that it makes us give in....

So whatever it is that you are longing for, if you do not have it just be patient....

Your King/Queen may be lost in the forest's only a matter of time til he/ she arrives and make your longing a reality

Here's one of my favorite songs: "Longing For" by Jah Cure whom inspired me to write that note: (thats not the official video, it's just the song...So Let the Music Do the Talking)

Love and Be Loved,
Yours Truly,


  1. I wish they had love cause I love me some JAH CURE......LC

  2. Trust me sweetie..your king is on his way...we just need to send him a mapquest copy to direct him to your house lol :)
