Monday, June 22, 2009

Worth Fighting For...

"Nothing in life worth having comes easy". I bet you heard that saying many times and even said it before.

But come to think about it, it is true. In life, there are no handouts, no free giveaways, no easy way out. Best believe that if you get something way too easy, you will have to pay for it some way or the other. It is also true that unless you worked out hard for something you wont know its value.

Many people think that life should be easy. Things should just fall off the sky and into their laps. If they want something, they should just clap their hands and magically their object of desire will be there. Well one thing, for sure that is some major bull. Life isn't a fairtales where genies make wishes come true. So if you want something, work hard to get it. Whatever, it might be that you desire, work for it. Because once you get it, you will fully appreciate it. Hard work seems to be a lost value in our world. But we need to remember, that life isn't worth living, if there's nothing worth fighting for.....And when it comes to fighting, we need lots of weapons, among which are hard work, courage, and strong will.

Stay Blessed,

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