Friday, June 12, 2009

A Matter of Intelligence...

Ever had somebody tried your intelligence?
It's like they believe that you have the word ignorant,
Better yet stupid written all over your forehead?

When someone tries your intelligence,
They perform actions that they think that you will not be aware of.

It is like they can do whatever they want to you
And you will just stand there

Like a little lamb waiting to be eating by the big wolf while he is seasoning you.
They seriously think that you do not see

That they are putting salt and pepper on your little lamb behind.
They seriously believe that you will just stay in the pot
Wayyyy after the water had started to boil.
It is such a flagrant disrespect to your intelligence

That sometimes all you can do is stare and sneer
Because you are amazed at the audacity of such person.
But the outstanding part resides in the fact that the lamb sometimes flips the script.

Sometimes, the lamb just doesn't mind having salt and pepper all over him

Because he knows that he has that big rock in his pocket that he will knock the big wolf with. Better yet sometimes the lamb simply knows that at any given point,
He can jump out of the pot and and push the big wolf into the pot.

Either way, if you have tried someone's intelligence before, please don't do it again...Because when you least expect it you will meet your match in someone that can make you feel that not only do you have the word "stupid" written all over your forehead; it might as well have been your middle name.

Stay Positive,

P.S: This post was inspired by Tom & Jerry :) ... among other things...

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