Tuesday, June 9, 2009

P.S. I Love You

So I am sitting in my pjs pondering on how sometimes we may change for the best thanks to someone that has influenced us for the better.

As I am writing this post, I am watching "P.S. I Love You" which is a way really good movie that you need to watch if you haven't done so. Yes, it may be called a chick flick but it is not one of those painful movies that ooze puppy love or any overly dramatic love expression that makes you raise your eyebrows or in worse cases, turn the tv off. "P.S. I Love You" is one of those movies where you look at the couple's fights and you smile instantly because you know that at a point sometimes, you felt like throwing a shoe at your significant other.

One of the things that I learned from this movie is that there is no greater love than the one that brings the best out of you and allows you to grow. Sometimes all we need is a little push to help us transcend our state of "diamond in the rough". And with the right person and the right tactics impregnated with love, we can become as cliche as it sounds "shining stars".

So if you are in the situation where the relationship you are in is causing you to regress instead of moving forward; if you guys are destroying each other at any level (emotional, verbal or God forbid physical) it is time to stop, breathe and reevaluate. Because, although love is a battlefield as I said before, there is NO need for you to end up on crunches due to some infatuation gone wrong.

Be wise,


  1. you should write a review on this movie and turn it in !!!!!LC

  2. I totally agree with you. Yes, love relationships have ups and downs, but ultimately you should feel that it is an overall positive enhancement to your life. You should feel inspired, lifted, supported. It should leave you wanting to be better than you already are. But as you said, if it makes you feel insecure, inadequate, more hurt than joy, and stressed, then...time to evaluate why do you continue to allow yourself to experience that kind of turmoil and the source of it is the person who you should turn to for comfort and relief?

  3. Amen Freda! I don't think I could have said it better

  4. do i need to mention again dat im THE goddessJune 12, 2009 at 11:05 AM

    the 3 sweetest words and yet the 3 ki peuvent te rendre malheureuse...how sad ...but mm ds les choses ki ont mal tourne au debut c pas evident e voir ce ke ta appris but apres tu realise...sumtimes even if it wasnt good 4 u u wanna go back in time et revivre ca encore...
