Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Comedy Gone Wrong

Have you ever been talking to a friend and they say something that they think is funny and yet you cant bring yourself to laugh. You're probably thinking that it is not that funny.

Personally, I do it all the times. I say something that may sound hilarious to my particular state of mind but yet I just get those blank stares back. And I'll say "Do you get it?" and they will just keep staring. It doesn't bugg me because I am no Martin Lawrence but once in awhile I amaze myself by saying a story that actually sounds pretty funny. And I laugh about it way after it is no longer funny.

Now what are we suppose to do when a third party does that? They say something after which they start laughing and look at you because you are suppose to laugh along... with them that is, NOT at them... What if you are not in a laughing mood? Or the story is just comedy gone wrong? Are you supposed to nod and smile? Or roll yours eyes because the story just flew over your head? Or are u supposed to chuckle, just because you do not want that person to feel bad?

I think i'll just chuckle today...because my boss just said something that honestly I have no clue when the funny part came into the story. So i'll just chuckle and give her a little ego boost. And maybe, just maybe next time, I will actually be able to laugh...
Stay Positive,


  1. lol i am glad you can laugh... too bad i couldnt at the time lmao

  2. loooooooooooool! this post is OMG so funny!!!!! people often expect me to laugh at their story just because mines always bring them to laugh-out-loud....and most of the time, I keep staring at them L)
    Thx Gigi! From now on, I'll be positive and try to chuckle :))
