Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hop off out the bed...

It's 8:45am and after a mere 5 1/2 hours of sleep, I am forced to "hop off out the bed and turn my swag on"...whatever that is. Don't get me wrong, this song is really nice and Soulja Boy did his thing. But, we all know that we certainly do NOT hop off the bed, we twist and turn, curse the alarm, wish we could stay in bed just a little longer, throw the cover over our heads and then...we dragg ourselves out of bed.
However, if you are like me on this sunshiny looking Tuesday, and at any point of the day or week you have to stop whatever activity brings you joy (sleeping, video games, doing anything but going to work or just plain doing nothing substantial) and go to the "wonderful" job of yours or go to school, give yourself a pat on the back because you are actually doing something great with your life..You are not being useless to society. You are not just taking up space and wasting oxygen that otherwise could have been used by another hardworking man or woman.
If anything, think about that paycheck or gratification that you will get in the long run!! and maybe, just maybe ...we may actually hop off out the bed and turn our swagg on, because we all know there is no better day than Friday-Payday
Stay Blessed,

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